Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A Tale of Four Oldhammerers: Month 9/10.

We are truly in the end game now! Steve posted early this month to put the pressure on and I responded by getting this war machine painted soon after. Thank goodness I did because I never found the time to finish the three crew until now, it's been a hectic month! I added in the last reaper to reach my target and maintain my monthly average (still at 102 points).

Undead Catapult and crew with upgraded Screaming Skull ammunition (85 points). One more Grim Reaper (14 points). Monthly total is 99 points.

Scores update for May to follow on the first of June.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Tale of Four Oldhammerers: April Points Tally.

The end of April heralds the end of month eight in the painting challenge. Only two more months remain before the end of the project! Here are the tallies so far (some of the values are merely best estimates due to mediocre record keeping on behalf of others!). :p

Paul: Total Points Painted=819. Monthly Average=102. Overall Challenge Score=16.

Chico Total Points Painted=783. Monthly Average=98 Overall Challenge Score=11

James: Total Points Painted=650. Monthly Average=81. Overall Challenge Score=11

Steve Total Points Painted=580. Monthly Average=73. Overall Challenge Score=9

Follow their progress on these blogs:

Steve's brief challenge for 2nd place tails off, James continues to improve his standing and is finishing strongly (his results are easily the highest quality too, well done for that James).

Thanks for stopping by!