Sunday 19 May 2013

Blood Bowl with Thantsants.

I had my first face to face games with a member of the online Oldhammer community today and the day was an absolute blast!

Thantsants made the journey on the trans-Yorkshire highway to Castle Paul and brought with him the beautifully painted 'Slaan in Spacers' Blood Bowl team. He is on the way back now so I have a chance to get my unashamedly biased match report in first if I'm quick.

We played 3rd edition rules with a few roster tweaks to allow an 'all-star' 2nd edition style team and we kind of ignored weather too. The first game went first one way then the other, eventually we got to a key moment with a good deal of thought going on as the grey matter on both sides was stretched to it's limit.

A vital moment in the second half of game one, both Thantsant and myself took our time here with the score at 1-1 and only time for one more touchdown.

The following turn or two favoured the Spacers and my Greenback Gales abandoned any attempt to win and merely clung on to legs looking for the draw. The clock ticked down and things got close but thankfully the seconds ran out and the honours were even at full time! It helped no end when the distressingly mobile Treeman finally took root!

After lunch Thantsants tried out his Dark Elf team, they are all lovely BB2E edition minis and I hope he puts a snap up on his blog for you to enjoy. The Gales had more luck in this game and found knocking pansy pointy-ears about a lot more satisfying than brawling with Dwarfs and a Treeman. It was again 1-1 at half time but with the Orcs to drive in the second half. I found the blocks going my way a lot more often and was able to steadily build up a head of steam with the drive, taking the score to 2-1 to the Gales. A few crunching tackles later and that's how it ended, there is much partying going on in Greenback as I write.

We had a fantastic day, shared the luck of the dice fairly evenly (a string of passed dodge rolls came back to haunt the Dark Elves at one point as balance was restored mercilessly but I think it's right to say luck was mostly good to us both) and had a lovely cuppa and chat afterwards about all sorts of stuff we had in common.

All in all I can't recommend this sort of get together highly enough, I already feel like I have 'met' Erny and Gaj thanks to our game on Roll20 but it is much better to have a proper meet-up. Have a go yourself, maybe Skarsnik's opponent finder will help, you will not regret it.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hah - beat me to it!

    Cheers for a great day - makes a nice change to the AI on Blood Bowl Legendary edition!

    Definitely worth while getting out there and meeting up with your local Oldhammerer - the grey matter is already ticking on what to play the next time...

    1. Oh yes, I'm a sly one alright, get in quick with tour version I always say! :)

      Thanks to you to, glad you had fun, I had loads.

      Can't wait for the next game, whatever that may be!

  2. I am soooo jealous I am going to have to dig my Norse out of the loft and descend upon you guys after the Oldhammer event some day

    1. That's a great idea, I am well up for that!

  3. Mr Paul - good to see that gaming and parenthood are happening at the same time! Damn good to hear you lot managed to have a go. I had to spend today with my parents, so it sounds like your sunday was a shit-tone better than mine :)

    1. That gave me a LOL, very nearly a ROFL. Only because I have been there and understand the pain though! My parents still dismissively describe my hobby as 'those little things you do'. Today was a good day (thank you Mrs Paul).

  4. Bring on the violence! Glad to hear it was a bitter draw, it just makes the next game all the more brutal. I want to hear all the gory details when it happens.

    1. I had to skip the gory details of the first game, mainly because I was the recipient of most of them. AV9 wasn't cutting it for some reason. I was particularly non-plussed when my thrower needed a GFI to reach the ball and tripped over and died. I think it may have been a heart attack. The second game the Gales knocked the Elves about like ragdolls, at least one of them will never make back on a Blood Bowl pitch and one or two others awoke long after the final whistle.
