Monday, 29 February 2016

A Tale of Four Oldhammerers: Month 6.

As the cold northern Winter begins to make way for an equally cold northern Spring, the To4O project reaches the end of another month so it's time to glance over the results. I won't lie, I am glad it's a Leap Year as I was still painting right up to today. Another busy month leaves me relying on expensive models to see me through, leaving me with a timebomb down the line no doubt!

L to R on steps, level 5 champion for the Reapers (LA, DHW, Arcane Armour, 44 points), skeleton warrior (HW, S, 12 points), Grim Reaper (14 points). Flapping past is a 45 point Carrion. 125 points for the month.

I went a little over because I forgot about the Arcane Armour upgrade for the champ, in my head he was only 30-odd points.

The best one is the skeleton warrior, he was done first and early. The Carrion (deliberately minus rider, never liked the models) was supposed to look like a faded vulture with raw skin showing through, not sure I pulled it off 100% but it is better in the 'flesh' than against the stone tower in the photo at least. The Grim Reaper with the scythe was tough to paint, unusually so for an older Citadel miniature. His rags are all over the place and a bit misleading, this is made worse because he was miscast slightly (nothing serious).

All in all I''m happy with the way things are going. :)

Chico's slump in the charts is due to some poor health and misfortune, get well soon mate.

Points tally.

Paul: 12 points.

Steve: 9 points.

Chico: 7 points.

James: 6 points.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Nice paint jobs. I am a little envious as I can't paint for shite! Its about the only envious thing in others I have tbh.

    1. Many thanks! I say never worry about competing in wargaming, concentrate on the fun, both in game and when painting/modelling etc. If you're enjoying it you're more likely to do it more often and the skill level comes naturally then.

  2. P.S. whats the points scores for??

    1. It's a painting challenge between four of us from the facebook oldhammer page, we are getting 100 points each painted a month and playing a game with the minis at the Bring Out Your Lead event (first weekend of August at Wargames Foundry). Check out Realm of Chaos 80s, Eldritch Epistles and Oldhammer on a budget blogs for the others progress (or lack of hehe).
